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How to Remove Toothpaste Stains

Are you concerned about how to remove toothpaste stains from clothes? It’s a simple accident that may happen to anyone, turning a potentially pleasant morning into an uneventful one as you now have a cleaning task. Toothpaste stains, especially those from whitening solutions, can be persistent if not addressed for a long time. Acting quickly is vital since the chemicals within the toothpaste will harden deeper in the fabric, complicating stain removal.

In this article, we’ll explain how to remove toothpaste stains, allowing you to return your clothes to their previous condition with little effort.

Does Toothpaste Stain Clothes Permanently?

Stains do not have to be permanent, and knowing how to get rid of a toothpaste stain can make a huge difference. The severity of the stain depends on the toothpaste type and fabric type. Whitening toothpastes frequently contain bleaching agents that can stain dark or fragile fabrics, so prompt action is essential to avoid lasting damage and keep your fabric looking fresh.

Supplies Needed

You can have the following supplies to remove toothpaste stains:

  • Paper towels
  • Bowl
  • Warm water
  • Toothbrush
  • Laundry detergent
  • Cold water
  • Dishwashing liquid

Step 1: Remove Excess Toothpaste

Gently scrape excess paste using a spoon or a blunt knife without pushing it deeper into the fibers. This will remove much of the toothpaste, making the stain easy to clean.

Step 2: Blot the Area with a Wet Cloth

Rub the stains lightly using a clean, wet cloth. Apply enough force to blot rather than rub the fabric, which could push the stain deeper into the fabric’s fibers and make it harder to treat. 

Step 3: Soak the Stain with Cold Water

Soak the stain in cold water to prevent toothpaste from sitting on the fabric. After this, allow the fabric to soak for a few minutes so the toothpaste particles can loosen up and prepare the stain for further treatment.

Step 4: Apply a Stain Remover (If Necessary)

If the stain has not disappeared after soaking, it is time to use a stain remover. Applying the stain remover directly to the area where the stain could help break down some leftover toothpaste, which can be easily removed by washing.

Step 5: Air Dry the Item

Allow the fabric to air dry rather than use a dryer since heat can embed the stain further into the fabric. Before applying heat, make sure the stain is completely removed.

Different Types of Toothpaste and Their Impact on Stains

The stain removal process can also depend on the type of toothpaste used. Some toothpaste can cause fabric to deteriorate when removing the stains. Here is a detailed breakdown of handling different types of toothpaste.

  • Regular Toothpaste: The easiest way to remove stains, as it does not contain strong bleaching agents. Simply blot and rinse immediately, and it should come right off.
  • Gel Toothpaste: This is Challenging to remove because its paste formula is thicker and more prone to added dyes that leave a color residue behind.
  • Whitening Toothpaste: One of the hardest way to treat because its bleaching agents can severely discolor fabrics. Action is needed immediately with cold water and stain remover to prevent damage.

Removing Regular Toothpaste Stains

Removing regular toothpaste stains is simple, as they will not have strong bleaching agents. Here are some effective techniques to remove these stains:

  • Remove any excess toothpaste with a clean, moist towel or blunt knife.
  • Blot the stain with a wet towel.
  • Pre-treat the stain with laundry detergent.
  • Rinse thoroughly with cold water.
  • Put the stain in the dryer once it is completely removed.

Removing Gel Toothpaste Stains

Gel toothpaste is much thicker than regular, making removing stains harder. Here’s how to remove gel toothpaste stains:

  • Remove any extra gel to prevent deeper discoloration.
  • To remove the stain, blot with cool water rather than rubbing.
  • Use a stain remover to remove any residual dye.
  • Rinse thoroughly with cold water to remove any residue.
  • Allow airdry to avoid heat setting the stain.

Alternative Methods for Removing Toothpaste Stains

Here are some helpful alternative solutions using everyday household items to remove toothpaste stains.

  • Dish Soap: Mix a few drops of dish soap with cold water and apply it immediately to the stain. Use a wet towel and blot the area until the stain disappears, then rinse with cold water.
  • Baking soda: Mix a little water to paste with baking soda. Apply the paste to the affected areas and let it sit for 15 minutes. Scrub it carefully with a soft-bristled brush. 
  • Vinegar: Dilute white vinegar with equal amounts of water and dab it right over the stain. Vinegar’s acidity breaks down the toothpaste residue. 

Using Dish Soap for Stain Removal

Dish soap is a simple method for removing toothpaste stains. Follow these steps to get the best results:

  • Mix dish soap and cold water.
  • Dab the stain with a cloth. 
  • Blot until the stain is lifted.
  • Rinse with cool water.
  • Let the fabric air dry.

Tips for Preventing Toothpaste Stains

Below are some useful tips that help prevent toothpaste stains.

  • Leaving your clothes in the water to wash them later is among the first tips on how to get toothpaste out of clothes quickly.
  • Use mild dish soap as a pretreat on stubborn stains.
  • You can even use a little hand soap to remove toothpaste stains.
  • Use an enzyme-based detergent to ensure that the remaining toothpaste stains are removed thoroughly.
  • Remember, when pre-treating the toothpaste stain, rub the area gently instead of aggressively.

There were some ways how to remove toothpaste stains from clothes and ensure they remain clean.

When to Seek Professional Help

There might be situations where your favorite outfit is stained by toothpaste. To make matters worse, your favorite attire, which is compromised, has a delicate fabric. So, trying to clean it yourself can damage it. If that happens, you can say goodbye to your dream of wearing it at a big event you planned for.

That’s just one of the situations where you need an expert cleaning service who knows how it’s done. Yes, it might sound like an expensive option, but think of what you might save when preventing damage to your loved one’s attire.


Removing toothpaste stains might not be as difficult as now you have read our tips and techniques. All you need to do now is follow them for effectively getting rid of toothpaste stain and restore your cloth to their original state. With the right approach you can handle the toothpaste stain with ease.

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